ron lavender
ron lavender
De: Maryellen Tanzini
Enviado el: jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2020 12:00 p. m.
Asunto: Re: DTE Bill
Hello Ms Lilia hope all is well with you and everyone just wanted to thank you for all your help and I hope everyone has a great holiday season and stay safe and well.
On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 10:18 AM wrote:
De: Malgorzata Zelent
Enviado el: jueves, 30 de junio de 2022 01:08 a. m.

Hello Lilia,
Thank You very much for everything You have done for Joseph.
Yes, I will print all attachments for him.
I wish you all the best.
Best regards,
De: Guernsey, Jeffrey S
Enviado el: miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2021 10:40 a. m.
Para: Lilia

so glad the flowers and gift arrived. Thank you again for your assistance over these years.

On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 11:32 AM wrote:
Mrs. Guernsey… Thank you for this beautiful beautiful detail. It really has been an honor to work for you and your family.
I wish you health and a happy and long life. Sinceramente mil gracias!!! Lilia
Mr Michael John

Dear Friend,

Having carefully reviewed your profile and property dealings/listings so far on real estates and other businesses in your country ,I would require your services to make my dreams come true in real estate development and sales business in your country, it is very important to me , if you don’t mind. My Name is Mr.Michael John, I am currently living in London-UK with my family.

Thanks & Regards,

Mr Michael John
Lila, soy hijo de Gabriela A, dueña del departamento en Condominio Carabela que acabaste vendiendo. Por este medio, te quiero presentar a Alejandra Rios que tiene una hermana, dueña de un apartamento en Acapulco que también lo quiere vender. Las presento mutuamente para que se comuniquen y analicen si es un buen “fit”. Lila, te pido les brindes la misma atención y profesionalismo que le brindaste a mi madre.

Saludos a ambas,

Arturo Henriquez Autrey, MBA, MA
Personal Email

Fernando Campos
Enviado el: Jueves, 30 de Junio de 2011 05:52 p.m.
Para: Lizbeth Valle
Asunto: Re: Ron Lavender & Asociados/ Carta a Clientes 2669

Muchas gracias Liz, la carta del Sr. Lavender es muy satisfactoria y concuerdo con el. Tengo 40 a^os llendo a Acapulco ininterrumpidamente y NUNCA me ha sucedido nada, al contrario todas mis experiencias han sido fantásticas, desde el UBQ, Le Jardin, BabyO, el Tiffany del Princess, las tortas Ricardo, los mariscos del Corralon, Pie de la Cuesta, tantos recuerdos indescriptibles del puerto mas bello del mundo!
Le agradeceria compartiera mi mail con el Sr. Lavender.

Le mando muchos saludos,
Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel
Daniela Dominguez
Enviado el: martes, 21 de junio de 2011 13:18
Para: Lilia
CC: Marco Deschamps Fernandez
Asunto: RE: RV: Villa Princess escritura
Lilia, sin duda, siempre los tendré presentes, son ustedes muy profesionales. Les felicito de verdad y si tengo oportunidad, no dejaré de recomendarlos. Mil gracias por todo. Daniela

Bien por mal, por bien mejor! y...Carpe Diem!
Corey Haferman
Selected property: comments
Your info:
Mr.Lavender, my name is Corey, I\'m from Prior Lake Mn. I wanted to drop a message to you in thanks. My parents and our family have been going to Aca. Gro.for forty plus years. A good portion of our friends have stopped vacationing there in fear. I have taken the opportunity to Email your article to all of them, hopping for there return. Just wanted to say thank you.
Phyllis J Curry
Enviado el: jueves, 07 de julio de 2011 13:54
Asunto: Letter from Ron Lavender

To Ron Lavendar, hope that you can forward to him personally.

My husband and I met you in Acapulco in 1976, we visited your office inquiring about buying a villa in Acapulco. We did no buy any property but I can tell you that we have come to Acapulco every year since except 1981 and 2002. We have a large group of friends that meet there every year but this year do the bad press about the drug cartel and killing most of our friends decided not to come. Usually there is about 200 of us there and this year it diminished to barely 40.

Someone forwarded your letter in regards to the bad press and drugs and we have forwarded it on to most of our friends. I believe more of them have decided to return in 2012, we are all there from the last week in January to the end of February some staying from 1 week to 6 weeks.
I just wanted to thank you personally for the letter and hopefully more tourist will return to our home away from home which remains to be the best vacation place in the world for consistent weather, great restaurants, and wonderful natives. I always feel at home there.

Thanks again, and hopefully we can meet again when we are there in 2012.

Warm Regards,

Phyllis Curry and Friends

David Grimes
Sent: Lunes, 11 de Julio de 2011 06:59 a.m.
To: Ron Lavender
Subject: grimes

I know you are on vacation now but I wanted to let you know that I just read your excellent letter re safety in Acapulco—I think it would be great if the convention/tourist bureau would place your letter with ads in all the major us cities—your credibility would reduce tourists fear of visiting Acapulco-

Dave Grimes
Enviado el: Lunes, 27 de Junio de 2011 11:10 a.m.
Para: Lizbeth Valle
Asunto: Re: Ron Lavender & Asociados/ Carta a Clientes 2567

Estimada Lizbeth,

Con un abrazo y todo el apoyo para el Señor Ron y a todos los que trabajan con el, así como en especial para usted, les envío todo mi apoyo y como propietaria me da mucho gusto el que siga con tanta energía a pesar de tantos factores negativos y por supuesto que nosotros seguimos con todo el apoyo con el y que tiene toda la razón en todo lo que dice, FELICIDADES PARA RON!!!!!!!!!!

Lic. Victoria Nieto S.

Enviado el: Viernes, 24 de Junio de 2011 06:08 p.m.
Asunto: RE: Ron Lavender & Asociados/ Carta a Clientes 2488

Gracias por su carta , yo confio en ustedes
Ing.Hector Ortega
Ron. Thank you for your update. Obviously there are problems there. My poor Mexico. It make me so sad to see the pain being suffered there and I worry about all my good friends

I thought I had lowered the price to as low $1.5 million. But I guess not. We will entertain reasonable offers. Please take care and let me know

thanks. Deborah.
Sent from my iPhone

Dear Lizbeth,

I have received your email. Thank you very much for your
efforts to promote my house. I understand the terrible

Stephen Panigel
Casa Buenos Aires

Robin Alvarez
Srita. Lizbeth.

Con referente al mensaje y publicidad del Sr. Lavender. Creo de mi parte que ha sido una excelente promocion. Guste mucho de esto y no encuentro forma de agradecerle al Sr. Lavender.
He re reenviado su publicidad a muchos contactos para que se propague y podamos de alguna manera promover
a nuestro Acapulco.

Le pediria darle la gracias al Sr. Lavender de mi parte y de muchos Acapulqueños que seguimos orgullosos de el. Si el lo permite me agradaria tambien tener su correo de email.

Muchas gracias y espero oir de usted muy pronto.

Robin Alvarez
B-737 Inventory Analyst
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Ron Lavender & Asociados Real Estate Acapulco for sale ........ ........ The most experienced realtor in Acapulco
Av. de los deportes no.13 Fracc. Club Deportivo Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico Tel. from Mexico: (01 744) 484 7000 / From USA: 011 (52) 744 484 7000
Acapulco, Ixtapa, Cuernavaca, Puerto Vallarta, Punta Mita properties